O f'enaid gwel ar Galfari

(Dwyn y pell yn agos)
O! f'enaid gwel ar Galfari,
Ei ras a'i gariad fel y lli',
  Iesu yn marw ar y pren,
Yn aberth dros yr euog rai;
Gael modd i faddeu
    pob rhyw fai,
  Gruddfanodd ef nes rhwygo'r llen.

Unwaith, trwy ddyoddef angeu loes,
Gwnaeth ffordd agored ar y groes,
  I'r pelledigion gael neshad;
Fe dynodd, do, y canol fur,
Pan yfodd waddod cwpan sur -
  Mae iachawdwriaeth yn ei waed.

Mae modd i'r
    caethion gael rhyddhad,
A'r gwahan-gleifion wir iachad,
  A'r pell eu dwyn
      i ddinas Duw.
O! doed y byddar, mud, yn awr,
A'r dall, i wel'd goleuni mawr -
  Nesewch y'nghyd,
      dydd achub yw.

Mae'r cloff yn llamu fel yr hydd,
A'r meirw'n codi. Dyma'r dydd,
  Gorchfygodd Iesu ar y groes:
O! chwi genhedloedd, dowch y'nghyd,
O holl ynysoedd
    pella'r byd,
  I brofi rhinwedd
      dwyfol loes.
Richard Jones ?1771-1833

[Mesur: 88.8D]

gwelir: Unwaith trwy ddyoddef angau loes

(Bringing the distant near)
O my soul, see on Calvary,
His grace and his love like a flood!
  Jesus dying on the tree,
As a sacrifice for the guilty ones;
To get a means to forgive
    every kind of fault,
  He groaned until the curtain tore.

Once, through suffering the pangs of death,
He made a way open on the cross,
  For those far away to draw near;
He pulled down, he did, the middle wall,
When he drank the dregs of a bitter cup -
  There is salvation in his blood.

There is a means for the
    captives to get freedom,
And the lepers true healing,
  And the distant brought
      to the city of God.
O may the deaf, mute come now,
And the blind, to see a great light -
  Draw ye near together,
      a day of salvation it is.

The lame are leaping like the deer,
And the dead rising.  Here is the day,
  Jesus overcame on the cross:
O ye nations, come together,
From all the most distant
    islands of the world,
  To experience the merit
      of mortal anguish.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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